
Red Flag Raised About Customer Loyalty Card for Alcohol

LANSING, MI — A diverse group recently called on Michigan’s policymakers to reject a plan that would give free alcohol to people.
“This wrong-headed proposal that will encourage more binge drinking and drunken driving at a time when we must be doing more to keep our families and communities safe from excessive consumption,” said Mike Tobias, Executive Director of Michigan Alcohol Policy Promoting Health and Safety.   “The only responsible thing to do with this dangerous proposal is to reject it. Michigan’s policymakers have the opportunity to either stand on the side of public health and safety, or open the floodgates to more alcohol related problems that will put lives at risk.”
In a letter dated Nov. 22, 2011, Tin Can-West on 644 Migaldi off West Saginaw in Lansing asked the Michigan Liquor Control Commission to allow it to give people a $10 gift card that can then be redeemed for food and drinks, including alcohol. A person does not have to eat or drink at the bar to get the 10 “customer loyalty” stamps that entitle the person to receive the $10 gift card. The request was submitted by Lansing attorney Mike Brown, who also sits on the Liquor Control Advisory Rules Committee.  The committee which has been meeting behind closed doors to overhaul dozens of alcohol rules, regulations and safeguards. Brown has been a proponent of removing regulation alcohol regulations designed to promote public safety. If Tin Can’s request is approved, any retailer in Michigan could implement a similar program and give out free alcohol.
“All of us who serve in uniform to protect public safety and public health are deeply concerned about a proposal that encourages people to drink more alcohol,” said Bob Stevenson, Executive Director of Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police.   “Before our policymakers approve such a reckless proposal, we encourage them to talk to those of us who have had to witness the terrible results of a drunken driving accident. We urge decision makers to understand that approving this proposal not only violates Michigan law, it endangers people’s lives.”
“This plan can encourage Michigan’s parents to have just one more drink that could make a life and death difference for them and their children’s lives. That should be totally unacceptable.  Not every decision should be based solely upon increasing profit.” said Bob Howe, Executive Director of the Michigan Elementary & Middle School Principals Association.   “Our state’s policymakers should be doing everything in their power to keep our kids and families safe. Encouraging people to drink more alcohol is a step in the wrong direction.”
 “Many small business owners are deeply concerned about this proposal because they work tirelessly to promote responsibility and moderation when it comes to alcohol, and this simply flies in the face of good sense,” said Auday Arabo, President and CEO of Associated Food and Petroleum Dealers.   “Small business owners are also parents, grandparents, Little League coaches and active members of their local communities. Alcohol abuse, drunken driving and excessive drinking affect all of us, and will only get worse if alcohol is free.”
Michigan Compiled Law 436.2025 (1) states that a vendor – which includes retailers – “shall not give away alcoholic liquor of any kind or description at any time in connection with his or her business, except manufacturers for consumption on the premises only.” 
This was printed in the January 15, 2012 – January 28, 2012 Edition