
Schuler Books & Music welcomes New York Times Bestselling Author Victoria Rowell

LANSING, MI — Victoria Rowell is a New York Times Bestselling author, Award-winning actress and lecturer.  Rowell will be at Schuler Books & Music, 2820 Towne Centre Blvd., on Monday, November 1

Victoria has a sharp sense of humor, and in Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva she cleverly pokes fun at the over-the-top storylines and self-centered characters of the daytime soaps.
While a hundred percent fictional, Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva mirrors some of the struggles Victoria has faced during her career. She is passionate about and has openly criticized the industry’s backstabbing politics and its fading African-American presence. So she decided to put her pen where her mouth is, and wrote Secrets of a Soap Opera Diva with a sense of purpose, empathy, and pride.
Rowell also wrote The Who Raised Me , the story of a remarkable woman’s rise out of the foster-care system to attain the American dream—and of the unlikely series of women who lifted her up in marvelous and distinctive ways.
Born as a ward of the state of Maine—the child of an unmarried Yankee blueblood mother and an unknown black father— Rowell beat the odds. 
Ultimately, The Women Who Raised Me is a story that belongs to each of us as it shines a glowing light on the transformational power of mentoring, love, art, and womanhood.
For more information, please visit www.secretsofasoapoperadiva.com or www.thewomenwhoraisedme.com.