
Secretary of State eases ID card restrictions for persons with disabilities

By Dorothy Granberry, Information & Referral Advocate

The Secretary of State will now accept more and different documents from individuals seeking state identification cards.

Under state regulations, any person seeking a Michigan ID card must produce a birth certificate and other documents proving his or her identity.  After reviewing the list of allowable documents and in response to clients who had been denied ID cards, MPAS was concerned that many individuals with disabilities could not produce the required documents.

After meeting with MPAS, the Secretary of State agreed to expand the list of acceptable documents to include those issued by service agencies such as the Family Independence Agency, Social Security Administration, court system, or Department of Career Development.  A person seeking an ID card may also use a letter from any agency providing services or supports to him or her.  Acceptable letters must be on agency letterhead and include the name and phone number of a contact person at the agency.

The Secretary of State also agreed to clarify its “exception process” to give accommodations for individuals with disabilities.  The exception process is activated when a person applies for an ID card with a valid birth certificate, but not other required documents.  Once a person demonstrates that they cannot produce the required documents, the clerk will fax the birth certificate (and any other documents they can
provide) to one of the four regional offices for consideration by a regional manager.  The exception process is a high priority, and  exception requests are usually processed within 24 hours.

The Secretary of State has issued directions to its offices informing them of the guidelines and how they are to be carried out.

For more information, please contact MPAS at 1.800.288.5923.

Printed in Volume 1 Issue 10