
Small World Small Dollar

Small World Small Dollar Store is an African American business started by brothers with a long time dream of being entrepreneurs. Starting in the community where they have lived for more than 15 years, Jamarc Randall and his brother, Patrick Burnett had an opportunity to acquire the property located at 923 W. Saginaw St., in Lansing, MI.

After careful consideration and with the guidance from the Small Business Association, they decided to form a company and the Randall and Roccini L.L.C. was born. At first, they investigated the possibility of a Coney Island but found the venture too expensive so, the search for something else went on.

Thinking about the community, the brothers wanted to bring something to the area that would benefit and uplift the neighborhood and its people  so they pondered ideas which included music, clothing, dollar store and even a salon but eventually decided on the dollar store. They then began to research this possibility by visiting existing dollar stores asking questions and searching the internet for venders and merchandise and found other business owners willing to help them with the questions. Their journey lead them to Detroit, MI where they found just about everything that they needed including store fixtures.  They also found a number of venders and wholesalers who provided them with the merchandise to stock the store.

They worked first on the building by cleaning, painting, adding lighting, updating the electrical system and getting the grounds up to par.  They painted, carpeted, and added baskets and shelves for the stock. They did all of this themselves with the  help of friends and family.

When the merchandise  arrived, it came on 8 or 9 pallets that were at least 7 ft. tall . With the help of just about every family member they had and some friends, they situated and stock the shelves as their dream began to take form. Often while stocking or cleaning they would have potential customers stop in wanting to make purchases but thinking that they weren’t ready as they were still in the final cleaning process and a week or
two from their official opening date they ( the customers ) were

encouraged to return.

Soon after turning too many customers away,  they realized the error of their ways and opened the store for business  that day was August 3rd, 2001 at about 12pm. They opened the store with the change they had in their pockets and the rest is history.

The brothers and sisters of Small World Small Dollar understand their responsibility to the community and want to provide excellent service, convenience, leadership, guidance and a warm and sincere smile to all who should come in. They have
also made a commitment to work with the youth of the community by granting them the opportunity to learn aspects of the business by working in the store stocking, cleaning, keeping the grounds clean and various other tasks.

They established a “Learn to Earn Program” and they are proud to report that the program seems to be working by making the youth a part of something positive which uplift their self worth and esteem and provide them with some guidance and at the same time they make a little change.

Small World Small Dollar Store is a family oriented business that considers the community as a part of that family and they vow to bring the best that they can to the neighborhood through their commitment to leadership and service in the community. The store hours are 10 am until 9 pm , Monday thru Saturday, 12 pm until 6 pm, Sunday. Everyone is welcome.

They have a wide array of products and also sell balloons for $1.00.  Stop in a support this community business.  This article was re-printed from The New Citizens Press’ first issue dated February 10 – February 23, 2002.

Printed in Volume 1 Issue 11