
Special Social Security Edition: Keeping Fit at 70-Years-Old

According to the CDC, by 2030, the number of Americans aged 65 years and older is estimated to be 71.5 million, more than double what it is now. That is larger than the current combined population of the entire states of California, Texas, and New Jersey!

Left: Leola “Lee” Taylor celebrating her 70th birthday.  She is staying fit and healthy by following in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother by volunteering, eating right and exercising.

TNCP photos 

LANSING, MI — Leola Taylor, who is known in the neighborhood as “Queen Mother Nana Lee” and to the community as “Lee Taylor”, knew something was brewing but could not quite put her finger on it.  All of the questions from family members and covert activities had her suspicious but she did not find out that her loved ones planned a special 70th birthday party until she walked through the doors of the room.
Over 100 people, including family and friends attended Lee Taylor’s 70th birthday gathering for her on May 28th at Lansing Community College’s West Campus. Guests gathered from all over the country to tell her what an inspiration she has been in their lives.
“It is difficult to plan any event without her knowing all the details.  We pulled it off and it was beautiful,” said Heather Taylor.
Lee Taylor has 3 children; Heather Taylor-Livas, Angel Taylor and Justin Taylor, who all were in attendance.  Family is an important part of keeping Ms. Taylor young and alert.  She stated that she truly loves each of her children and sincerely appreciates each of them for their individual talents. .  She also has 17 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. She tells them all that they are her favorite.
The African Masquerade Dancers (AMD) has been a part of Lee Taylor’s life since 1994.  When the room began to reverberate with rhythmic drumbeats and the collective of dancers from AMD’s inception began to dance, Lee Taylor could not help but to join them.
At 70-years-old Lee Taylor is still fit and she attributes it to exercise and Jazzercise.

“I walk a mile around my community and I Jazzercise a couple of times a week. I try to eat right. I don’t always do it but I figure there is a natural remedy for all that ails you,” lamented Lee Taylor.
“I don’t have hypertension or anything else except allergies I try to keep up with important issues.  I stay involved with community issues and provide presentations on how to take care of the disabled and aged.”
She expressed that the secret to aging gracefully and staying mentally aware is volunteering, especially with youths. She frequently completes special programs, certifications and training through the Michigan Quality Community Care Council (MQCCC).  The organization is designed to ensure that providers give the best quality care for clients by providing a multitude of trainings and programs for providers.
Lee Taylor said, “l have received a better appreciation for how to care for myself and ways for me to stay both mentally and physically healthy.  l simply apply what l learn via  MQCCC into do for my own  life for self improvement.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lee Taylor’s mother and grandmother  were caregivers. She said that they always took care of their family and friends.  When her mother was alive she made special trips, ran errands, prepared  food and took care of the needs of their senior relatives and neighbors.  She said when her mother passed she continued in her footsteps.
“At 70, l find doing what I do and having a loving family to be such a joy and a daily motivation. l plan my days and vacations  around doing something special for those whom l am blessed to be able to assist in so many small ways,” said Lee Taylor.

This was printed in the July 17, 2011 – July 30, 2011 Edition