
Start the New Year off Right!

Did you know that nearly 1 in 3 kids and teens in the U.S. is overweight or obese? If this trend continues to increase, many believe this current generation of children will become the first in American history to live shorter lives than their parents.

Childhood obesity can lead to life-threatening conditions that usually don’t develop until adulthood. High blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and type-2 diabetes are just some examples.

Help your family become more healthy, and show them you want to be healthy too. At www.HealthierGeneration.org/parents you can get free resources and tips for helping your family eat healthier and be more physically active. Encourage your kids to take control of their health by visiting www.empowerme2b.org. Kids can make a commitment to their health, join a national movement and take the myGO Healthy Challenge, an online gaming adventure, to learn the basics of healthy eating and physical activity.

Help your family start the New Year off right and commit to be healthy! Here are some tips to get you started:
–  eat fruits and veggies with every meal
–   drink more water and less soda
–   get physically active for 1 hour each day
–  get 8 hours of sleep at night
–   limit screen time to 2 hours a day

Sometimes it’s hard to get kids to listen to what their parents say, but kids do watch what their parents do. Being a model of good health habits can help change your kids behavior. Even if they see you making small, gradual changes, they’ll notice you’re trying and you’ll be sending a message that health is important to your family.

Visit www.HealthierGeneration.
org/parents for some tips and ideas to get started.

New Year A Great Time to

Ingham County, Michigan Ringing in the New Year for 2009 is a wonderful way to plan to successfully quit your tobacco-addiction FOR GOOD! 

The Ingham County Health Department; and community health promotion agencies offer access to the newest research-based resources to help you quit your nicotine addiction.  We combine: the newest brain science, medications, behavior modification and social support.  Those living in Ingham County have access to the most successful combination of strategies to help you be successful.

Success takes patience.  Enrolling in a quit-tobacco program today, we can guarantee that you will have the tools you need to be smoke-free by 2010.  Isn’t it time to achieve this New Year’s Resolution!?!  Set yourself up for Success; call 517.887.4315 and sign up for a 1-time 2-hour Quit-Tobacco Workshop and get the tools you need to be a success.  These free workshops are offered twice a month or more.  Further help is available to all who attend.

Stop Struggling! 
Become Free!  Take a Vacation from Nicotine Addiction!
Call: 517.887.4315
Amy Ann Moore
Ingham County Health Department
5303 S. Cedar
Lansing, Michigan  48911
Source:  Press releases