

December 17, 2011, 1 -3 pm
Capital Area District Library

Home for the Holidays:  Recording artist Cate Storm (Cathy Nikundiwe), who is originally from Lansing was visiting from Atlanta, Georgia.  She said, “Violence has been an issue in the Lansing community for many years and everyone has been affected in one way or the other. I was happy to be able to show my support when I was in town.”
Photo by Brandyn Armstrong

LANSING, MI — T.E.A.M. 517 gathered over 400 people on the Capital steps on Saturday, November 26th in response to the violence that has been plaguing the city.  The organizers wanted to provide a platform for speakers and those who have been impacted by violence. 

Their goal was to open a line of communication and provided attendees with a survey that included asking “What is important to you?’

One of the organizers, Brandyn Armstrong said, “This is just the beginning.”

He added that T.E.A.M. 517  understands that there is an opportunity to begin the healing process and that together the community can make a difference.

Pastor Fred B. McGlone III of New Covenant Christian Church and School was at the rally and he said, ”I could have had other plans or I could change my schedule and show up.  The community has to show up for one another.  I could have been doing something else but this was important.  I needed encouragement and I got it at the rally and I hope that people will attend the next event.”

This was printed in the December 4, 2011 – December 17, 2011 Edition