
Teen Talk 6-21

Hi, my name is Taylor Noel Taylor and I am in the 5th grade at Cornell Elementary.    I am excited to be here today to tell you about my personal experience with Junior Achievement. 

I feel my experience is unique to me because since I was in the first grade, my Mom has been the JA volunteer to teach my classes.  I really like it that my Mom comes to my school to make sure JA is taught to us.  I know it’s important to her and it does make me pay attention a bit more.

Most of the things we are taught in JA, are not subjects we learn about in school.  Learning the difference between a want and a need made me realize how lucky I am to have food, clothes and shelter. 

Learning about our community and the basics of why we pay taxes and what that money can go towards was actually interesting to learn about.

I had never heard of zoning before and now I am able to recognize them when we drive by. 

My favorite JA subject so far was last year.  We learned about having our own business and the resources we may need to have when we start up, as well as the cash flow to keep it going.  Someday, I want to own my own business.  If you knew me, you would know my obsession with chocolate.  I told my Mom I wanted to have a chocolate boutique.  She told me I better get started on my business plan.  After I found out what that was, I did decide on a name and a few specifics I want to see for my boutique.  I would never have had this kind of idea unless I was in a school that had JA.   

Thank you to all the companies who donate money and volunteers to JA.  I know there are a lot of events that have to happen to raise money.  I get to see some behind the scenes action that goes on because my JA experience is also outside the classroom.  I am also a JA volunteer.  I like how volunteering makes me feel and this is when my Mom said the feeling I was experiencing was warm fuzzies.  I get to do a lot of fun things like paint faces at the 5K and hand out candy at the crazy bowl event.  Susan Stuart always makes sure I get doughnuts and Larry Richardson gives me extra candy and shows me cool paper tricks. 

I hope one day I can be a classroom volunteer and teach.  I look forward to more JA lessons and the chance to keep volunteering.  Thank you again for investing in me and my dream of being a business owner.  Your time and effort are needed.  Please continue so other kids can have this same JA experience.

Thank you for listening and make it an outstanding day!