
Teen Talk 6-26

Written by Gianni Risper   

In the early months of 2008, the groundwork for changing history is being laid. The presidential race for 2009 will be one that could change America forever. Now two people are in the running for president, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; a woman and a black man. Both of them being Democrats means that only one has the possibility to be president, but the mere fact that they could is mind-blowing. They’re winning states like crazy and people couldn’t love them more.
     But most of the people who could help change history aren’t even registered to vote. A majority of unregistered voters believe that their vote doesn’t?t count so what’s the point in voting. Every vote counts. There have been campaigns to get more people registered to vote but it still isn’t enough. How many people do you know that aren’t registered to vote. Are you?  I can’t vote but I know as soon as I become of age, I’ll be registered. Do you want to miss out on being a part of history?
But there will always be obstacles barring the way of change. Clinton and Barack’s opponents couldn?t be more challenging.
     Mitt Romney, a Republican candidate, is such. Romney has views shared by many; but that doesn’t mean they are right in my opinion. For instance, while being a “hard-working Christian family man”, Romney seems to be  a xenophobe who supports torture, and flip-flops between the ideas with the cash behind them. But he is well liked by the evangelical extremists of the nation, which make up some of the Republican majority.
     Former mayor of New York, Rudy Guliani, another Republican, is just not qualified to take on a national face. During the Republican Convention in 2004, hosted by Guliani, protesters were arrested in such droves that they had a cargo facility on the docks of New York.   The cargo facility was converted into a holding cell were people were held for up to 18 hours for parading without a permit, inciting riot, and resisting arrest. All this happened during the convention while he was cajoling with Republicans from around the country, including President Bush.
     After the convention, Guliani denied all claims that such things happened at the docks. Just because you were mayor of one the biggest cities in the world doesn’t mean you can take the nations reins.
     The point is history is being made every day, some more groundbreaking than others. You could be part of it, just like every grain of sand is part of a mountain. Go and vote. It could change your life, whether you agree with me or not.

GIanni Risper, 15, is an Eastern High School student i Lansing, MI.

Editor’s Note:  The views expressed  herein do not necessarily represent the opinions of The New Citizens Press or it’s publisher.  As parents, we must allow our children the opportunity to learn and express themselves.  I’m learning a lot from teenagers, who are a couple of years away from voting.  Regardless, of what you believe in voting is a right.  Please take advantage of it.