By Gianni Risper
Now more than ever you see things in media are concerned about the threat of global warming. The other day I watched “An Inconvenient Truth”. It’s a documentary about global warming information complied by Al Gore, former vice-president.
It talked about how the weather in the world has changed in an alarming rate over the past 50 years. This movie’s findings won Al Gore the Nobel Peace prize. Al Gore travels around the world talking to people explaining this larger than life PowerPoint presentation riddled with bar graphs and pictures proving the claims he is making.
This movie portrays the things that humans do to contribute to global warming. It is not the fault of one nation but the fault of all nations and not the fault of one person but the fault of many.
The film highlights the extreme changes in the weather including taking a look at the hurricanes such as Katrina which going over Florida was a category one and by the time it moved into warmer water it moved up to category five and caused the destruction that caused a nation wide panic.
It shows that Japan has seen bigger monsoons, India has 112 degree summer with thousands dying from heat stroke, and Thailand saw over 38 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. The number of tornados and floods has increased as well. The five hottest years in history were located within the last 10 years and the hottest of which have happened in the last 5.
It also shows how in a 50 year period the population count more than doubled in size in another 50 years the population is projected to be 9.2 billion rising from 6.7 billion in today’s world. It comments on the deplorable condition that the ice selves are in both in Greenland and Antarctica. If either of them falls into the ocean the world’s ocean levels would rise 25 feet all around the world. The fresh water falling from these blocks of ice is warming the ocean changing weather patterns and increasing natural disasters.
I recommend it to all of you who are interested in global warming, but watch out it has been contested for 11 proven falsities.
The real “Inconvenient Truth” is that most people are so stuck I their rut that they don’t want to change to save the world they live on.
Gianni is a 16 year old student at Eastern High School. His plans are to attend Lansing Community College and major in web design.