
Teen Talk 7-9

By Gianni Risper

Wars have been fought since the dawn of mankind. There’s something within mankind that gives us an insatiable need to fight for what we think is ours.

Even if you don’t believe in the theory of evolution, for whatever reason whether personal or religious beliefs, no logic can deny that over time humans have realized that certain parts of our culture have become outdated and obsolete.

When, if ever, will we as human beings realize that war is counter progressive to the advancement of us as a people. It seems that as we move forward with technology, we only make better weapons that kill more people, destroy the Earth and rip apart people’s lives.

War makes people do things that would in any other moral situation they wouldn’t even think about it. Soldiers were serial killers in wars before. We’ve fought in wars that had nothing to do with us. 

Even though we have become better at saving lives we are still killing just as many people during the wars we fight. The phrase “ No man is an island” comes to mind as I think that each country should become isolationists until all conflicts between nations has been resolved and the disarment of all weapons has become commonplace.

We need each other to survive but we cannot survive when we have people who seek to destroy other people. We must come together as people of the world, not separated by race, religion, or any other bias and try to achieve world peace.

Gianni Risper is a 16 year old student at Eastern High School in Lansing, MI.