
TEEN TALK: Q&As With Christopher Loring

By Christopher Loring

Jyrese Thompson is 10th grader at Lansing School District’s J.W. Sexton High School.
LORING: What is the most important thing you've learned in high school?
JYRESE: I've learned to stay to myself and that you don't have to be friends with everybody.
LORING: What do you expect to be doing ten years from now?
JYRESE: I would be in my dream profession, working in the medical field as a radiologist with 3 kids and a wonderful husband and living down south in my dream house.
LORING: How do you define “success?”
JYRESE: Success to me is when you’ve accomplished everything you said you would.
LORING: What have you liked or disliked about your school?
JYRESE: The block schedules are not my favorite so that'll have to be my dislike and I like my drama class out of all my classes, the class lets you express yourself.
LORING: What would you change?
JYRESE: I would change how many classes we have, instead of 7 we should have 6. The 7th and 8th should NOT be in the same building as the high schoolers so I would put them back in the annex.
LORING: How would you describe yourself to someone who did not know you?
JYRESE: I’m a hardworking student. Anything you put In front of me I will accomplish it. I'm always a blunt person I'll tell you the truth even when you don't want to hear it. My love goes far, I love hard and I'm very caring.
LORING: What are your strengths? Weaknesses?
JYRESE: My strengths would have to be writing and sports, don't really have any weaknesses.
LORING: What has been your proudest achievement so far?
JYRESE: The moment I bring home straight A's.
LORING: If you could talk with anyone living (or deceased) person, whom would it be and why?
JYRESE: My grandpa. Wish I could have an hour’s long conversation with him again, because he was the only person who knew what to say.
LORING: What events have been crucial in your life?
JYRESE: Losing my grandpa, my dad leaving me and a heartbreak.
LORING: What mark do you feel you've left on your school?
JYRESE: A fun and positive mark. Every knows I'm fun spirited I brighten up people's day.
LORING: What do you want to get out of your college experience?
JYRESE: I want it to teach me how to become an adult, prepare me for the REAL life. I want to make new friendships.
LORING: What about you is unique?
JYRESE: My laugh.
LORING: What book would you recommend?
JYRESE: The Fault in Our Stars by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber.
LORING:  Will your high school record accurately reflect your effort and ability?
JYRESE: Yes it will.
Christopher Loring is a 10th grader at Lansing School District’s J.W. Sexton High School where he is a member of the band.  He is also in the Upward Bound program at Michigan State University.  He is an intern at The New Citizens Press.
Printed in the April 16 – April 28, 2017 edition.