
The Fatherhood Project: Brooklyn Ardister: Love at First Sight

 Brooklyn Ardister says that having a daughter has changed his life.  Bri'elle Ardister is 2-years-old.

Photo by Jenna Sheerin
By Brooklyn Ardister
Fatherhood often gets overlooked because a lot of men aren’t ready for change and responsibility that a child brings into their lives. Growing up without a father inspired me to be the greatest father I can be.  I could not imagine a day without my little girl, Bri'elle Ardister, in my life.
With a positive  mindset, I was ready to embark on the journey of fatherhood. On January 29th, 2014, my princess arrived into the world.  When I held her for the first time our bond was ignited immediately.  She is two-years-old now and she amazes me every day.
The excitement of teaching and watching her grow took over and ever since then, my daughter and I do everything together. We take walks exploring the city on our “learning adventures”, we paint together and build cities with the Legos.  I want to be there to play and learn with her every single day. With periods of being both exciting and exhausting, she teaches me more about unconditional love than I would have learned without her. I know that when she wakes up with a smile and when she falls peacefully asleep in my arms, that every moment in between is a memory stored and love gained. 
Being a father involves dedication and takes patience. The amount of changes I'm going through in my new role, makes me work harder.  It surprised me that all the motivation I need to continue each day comes from Bri’elle.
When she is old enough to understand, I will tell her that the world is unfair and full of uncertainties, in the midst of all that, you have to find a way to make the world fit you instead of you fitting into the world.
I am proud to be a father and prouder to have an amazing daughter. It’s not easy but it definitely isn’t hard either to be a father.
Brooklyn Ardister is an artist. He paints and is a graphic designer.  Ardister is also the co-owner of  the clothing line, Cool Kidz Collection.
The Fatherhood Project articles are an initiative to promote fathers and the relationships that they have with their children.  If you are interested in writing, please send an inquiry to rinarisper.tncp@gmail.com
Printed in the October 2, 2016 – October 15, 2016 edition.