
The Fatherhood Project: Darryl Evans: A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

   Morgan Evans, 10-years-old, spending time with her father, Darryl Evans and her sister, 3-year-old, Emiliya (aka “Emmy”).  Darryl spends time with his children at his photography studio, Pure Enchantment. His son, Dion, 21, is not shown. 

Courtesy photo
By Darryl Evans 
People automatically assume that because I have a son that the rules for my son are different than the rules for my daughters. This is not true. When it comes to respect and work and dating and honesty, these things are the same. The same basic concept applies to all of my children. You will treat people with respect and care. Not because I demand it or because they deserve it but because its the right thing to do.
My children are taught every day the importance of caring for fellow human beings and looking out for your neighbor. They are taught this through action not just talk. This is important because I am fully aware that explaining to a child that caring for people and then immediately bashing people shows them that my words are just that words. In my mind the days of “do as I say not as I do” are done. Along with the idea of “I am the parent that is why”.   If we want our children to grow and become responsible adults, we have to teach them how to be that and why.
To me being a father is a huge responsibility with an equally huge reward! We have an ability to help to shape the future! The mothers of the world are out there teaching and giving and fathers are too. It is vitally important for men to dig deep and make a difference! 
As a father, I believe that I am a living breathing example whether I choose to be or not.  The children in my life are going to look at me for advice, guidance and love and if I choose not to lead with the best of intentions, I will sow seeds of despair. We along with the mothers and the grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles and various members of our family, community and city have not only the ability but the obligation to help mold youth into the amazing people they will become. 
What does it mean to me to be a father? Everything. It is the highest honor. Had I not had my own children, I would have adopted, mentored or done something to help continue the work that my grandfather and other great men and women in my life have done. This is my life’s work and I am honored that it is.
Darryl Evans is the owner of Pure Enchantment Photography.  He is also a poet, community advocate and mentor.  For more information, log on to www.pureenchantmentphotography.com.
Printed in the December 11 – December 24, 2016 edition.