
The New McCarthyism


By Landis Lain

McCarthyism is the newest Salem. From 1950-1954, it was a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy. Many of the accused were ostracized or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party. Such a campaign or practice that endorses the use of unfair allegations and investigations to harm others is dangerous. It was a witch hunt that stopped short of burning those accused of witchcraft. This time instead of fake witches or communists, we are all about to get burned.

Kevin McCarthy is the new Speaker of the House for the United States House of Representatives. After a nonsensical show of voting rounds (15 rounds), the Republicans finally lined up behind their Speaker but only after he made many concessions to their radical brand of government by threat. What is annoying is that the whole show went off exactly as he planned it. While everyone is bemoaning how bad he looked because it took 15 rounds of voting for him to finally prevail, we should all understand that it was part of his plan.

He is a radical follower of a despot who plans to do as much damage to the American people as he can get away with while lining his own pockets. He conceded nothing. He will proceed on the premise that he can do whatever he wants to whomever he wants to do it until his own people remove him from the seat because they are (fake) infighting. And yet, they are not. They are only putting on a show to keep the American people mesmerized while they continue to commit treason Then he can blame all the woes and criminal activity on the gun nuts and other treasonous dissidents. Old Kevin is playing the long game. The Devil plays chess while his sycophants only understand and play checkers.

The GOP and Kevin McCarthy all still have the same agenda; loot the treasury, cancel Medicaid/Medicare and Social Security, and place guns in the hands of as many people as possible in the hopes that Americans are too busy ducking bullets to see the criminals that the folks continue to elect to rob us blind. They will attempt to undo any progress made in the last two years. Perhaps Americans forgot that just two short years ago, the GOP controlled the house, the Senate, and the Presidency but did not fix the economy, pass any laws to help working class people nor increase the minimum wage so that more Americans can try to dig themselves out of poverty. They do not protect pensions or help the American people they are sworn to protect. The rule by vicious toddlers has just gotten us more of the same. They do not care about us. They don’t really care about the supremacists, militias, or any of their support base. They only care about stealing and protecting themselves from prosecution for sedition.