
The Plant Professionals: Flower of Love?

Roses are one the most favored flowers to give to loved ones.

Photo by RF Studio

By Kathy Valentine

Roses have been used as symbolic messengers for centuries . Giving red roses is a symbol of romantic love. Yellow roses are supposed to symbolize friendship and caring. In Victorian times they meant jealousy!  They also aptly say good luck or welcome back.  Peach is the color for modesty and sincerity. Peach is a great color also for a thank you bouquet.
 White roses represent purity, innocence and youth. Ivory is for thoughtfulness, charm and grace. Orange fiercely proclaims desire or fascination. Pink reflects femininity, elegance, refinement, sweetness. If you want to convey wonder or mystery, lavender is the color for you. Green is, of course the color of growth, bounty and abundance.
Often these assigned meanings are not how we buy flowers. We coordinate with colors in wedding décor, we buy a favorite color for a friend or spouse, a single flower in a color that represents a school, team or organization.  Sometimes we simply buy the mixed bouquet, or the one that looks freshest.
Just remember that flower colors have long held special meaning, so be aware that your gift purchase may be saying something to the recipient that isn’t written on the floral card.
The June birth month flower and the 15th wedding anniversary flower, roses are also the national flower of the United States and the state flower of Georgia, Iowa, New York, North Dakota and the District of Columbia. And, not surprisingly, June – the month so often associated with weddings – is National Rose Month.
Kathy Valentine enjoys gardening and her family at her Watertown Township home. Her Michigan State University Horticulture degree was a beginning for a life of learning about and working with plants. Kathy is senior partner at The Plant Professionals located at 16886 Turner St, Lansing, MI 48906. 

It is an interior and exterior  landscape design , installation and service firm  also offering green walls and plants and flowers for events. She may be reached at 517-327-1059.