
The Psychological War on Hip Hop?

Professor Griff wrote The “Psychological Covert War on Hip Hop” and the brainwashing of a culture. 
Courtesy photo
By Nick Edmonds
Everyone who knows Public Enemy, knows what they they stand for. Their music was conscience and delivered a strong message that is still relevant in today’s society. Public Enemy delivered a positive and empowering message, opposite of what you would hear from the average rapper today who would tell you to make as much money as you can and then spend it all on cars, clothes, jewelry and women. Public Enemy’s  music was a lesson that needs to be taught over and over again.
Professor Griff, a member of Public Enemy who has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in education, is still teaching these lessons today while openly opposing what hip-hop has become, “…its just purely entertainment now, there’s no redeeming value. There’s no educational value…” Griff said in a telephone interview.
Professor Griff also spoke of “higher fundamental elements put in place to establish hip-hop” and according to him, these elements are not being adhered to. If you listen to your local hip-hop radio station with this in mind, you will see just what Griff is talking about. Many of the rappers our youth listen to do not really have anything positive to say and lead people to believe that life is all ‘bling’.
Using the medium of hip-hop to deliver his message, he believes that there are many positive influences in hip-hop that should not be overlooked. 
Professor Griff said, “We need to teach our kids to look past the negative influence of hip-hop because they’re taking the lowest essence of what hip-hop has to offer and giving it maximum exposure.”
When asked about a solution to the problem, Professor Griff mentioned what he calls “solution thinks” meaning we have to start “thinking solutions.” 
One of the things he said was that “we have to put some principles and some values in place in the culture called hip-hop.” Griff also said that “we should restore hip-hop and rap back to its cultural roots.” This means that the rappers need to be held accountable for the messages they send out through their music and we need to replace the negativity with positive messages that will educate listeners as opposed to giving them the idea that life is all about Maybachs and models.
Professor Griff makes plenty of personal appearances and  has a lot more to teach.  He  was at the Capital Area District Library in downtown on January 14, 2012 for an engagement.  Those interested  in finding out more can go to his website www.pgriff.info and check out his calendar to see dates for upcoming events and lectures. 
Professor Griff has also written books such as, “Analytixz” and “The Psychological Covert War on Hip-Hop”, that can be purchased through his website as well. 
Hip-hop is a driving force in society all over the world.  There are many who believe that if they can get people to fully understand and apply the teachings of Professor Griff, then society would see the hip-hop culture reach its fullest potential.
Nick Edmonds is a father and student at Lansing Community College.  He is also in the music industry and is now persuing a career behind the scenes in the film industry. 
This was printed in the February 26, 2012 – March 10, 2012 Edition