

WHO CAN SIGN UP FOR ASSISTANCE: Residents of Clinton, Eaton & Ingham County.
WHAT YOU ARE APPLYING FOR: We will assist families who qualify with a $25.00 Food Gift Card and

Toys for children 13 & younger. One food gift card per household.

WHEN TO APPLY: Wednesday, October 16 through Monday, November 11, 2024 Online sign up will begin at 9am on October 16 and end at 3pm on November 11.

HOW TO APPLY: Apply online at www.saangeltree.org

  1. To apply: enter your zip code and email address. You will receive a verification code via email which will need to be entered to begin the application.
  2. You do not not need an invitation to apply.
  3. Complete the following sections:
    • Applicant Information-This section is for the person applying.
    • Household Members-This section is for everyone in the household except for the person applying.
    • Budget Worksheet-Fill out the income information for the household. If you do not haveemployment/earned income, put 0 in this section. Skip the budget section, we do not need thatinformation.
    • Documents-Upload the required documents:
  • Pictured ID for the person applying for’s License, State ID, Visa, or Government ID. o Proof of current address on the Driver’s License, State ID, or a current bill.
  •  Proof of all children 13 & younger in the household-Snap Benefits paperwork, birth certificate, Visa, government-issued ID, or medical card.

• Once all sections are completed and documents are uploaded, sign the release and submit your

application. Applications must be submitted by 3 pm on November 11 to qualify for


  1. Clients must have an email address to apply as all correspondence will be done via email.
  2. Once you submit the completed application, the Christmas Coordinator will review it, set a distributiontime and approve it. Incomplete applications will not be processed or approved.
  3. Once the application is approved, you will receive an approval email with your distribution date, time &location. That email will also include important information regarding the distribution. Please read thatemail carefully.
  4. You should receive the approval email by Sunday, December 1, 2024.
  5. If you do not receive the approval email, please call The Salvation Army Christmas Office at517-853-3744 December 2-December 4. Please note, calling after December 4 may result in youmissing your scheduled appointment.
  6. The email you receive will be sent from Angel Tree. It may come in your inbox or in your spam folder.

Please call The Salvation Army-Lansing, MI Christmas Office at 517-853-3744 after October 16th if you have any questions.