
The Women of the World Poets Set to Perform at Lansing Community College

The event will open with a poetry workshop for those who need to sharpen their poetry skills. All ages encouraged to attend.

Student and poet, Tupaco, will MC the event.

The Shabazz Academy Nu Poets ages 7- 13 will open for the featured poets. They will perform their own original poetry.

The Women of the World Poets will then perform an eclectic show that is sure to dazzle your poetic senses.

Cassie Poe is a Detroit poet and mom. Many moons ago she hosted a hugely popular over mic series at the Camillian Café. She was a member of the 2003, 2004 and 2005 Detroit Poetry Slam Team and was coach of the 2006 and 2008 Detroit ByteThis team. Currently, Cassie is serving as the co-chair for the 2nd annual Women of the World Poetry Slam coming to Detroit in March of 2009.

Aricka Foreman is a Cave Canem fellow, she has had work published in Off The Record: Performance Poems and Prose, anthologies The Lion Speaks: Poems for Hurricane Katrina and Black, White, & Blue in Detroit and she has work published in the The Drunken Boat literary journal. She is currently a writer-in-residence for InsideOut Literary Arts Project and has worked with the Prison Creative Arts Project through the University of Michigan. She is currently writing her first full collection of poetry.

LaShaun phoenix Moore, is currently the host of Byte This Poetry Series at Cliff Bells in Detroit. She has had the opportunity to share the stage with Mos Def and The Roots."

"As you can see clearly, I do not take my music or poetry lightly. Nor do I take lightly the seriousness of how my words affect the general public. As a poet and activist, I uphold the responsibility of nurturing my community with life-breathing words," said Ms. Moore.

We will have an open mic for students and for the poet who has the poem most enjoyed by the audience.

Rina Risper said, “Lansing Community College’s Black History programming has provided a venue for Lansing Community College’s creative writers and poets and we want the entire community to share with with the college and its exceptional student population.”

This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Rina Risper at (517) 372-8466 or email her at tncp@comcast.net.