
Three Fashion Tips for the Career Minded Women

By  David Bounder

For some women looking their best in the workplace is an absolute necessity and staying on top of fashion can be the key to always looking stylish. Most women that are career minded want to be taken seriously and this can be evident in the way that you dress. Many professional women swear that if you dress for success, then success will come so without further ado, let’s explore some fashion tips that will help you on the road to success.

Know your office’s dress code

It is a good idea that you get to know the dress code for your work. Knowing what is deemed appropriate in the workplace and inappropriate can save you a lot of grief. It can be embarrassing to show up for work one morning greeted by stares and people shaking their heads, pay careful attention to the dress code so that you don’t put yourself in an uncomfortable position. Some offices will not allow low cut tops or skirts or dresses that cut off around the knee. While others are just not keen on certain colors, basically, when you accept a job at a company you are agreeing to play by their rules.

The classics are always appreciated

You really can never go wrong with the classics. The classics rarely go out of style and different combinations are always easy to create when using these styles. The classics also usually tend to have a more professional look, so showing up to work in a pantsuit or skirt will have you fitting right in. Aim for colors like gray, red, and black, they all look professional and are easy to mix and match. Comfort should always be first too. Don’t wear an outfit just because you think that it looks great on you. When I wear something, especially for a long day at work, it needs to be very comfortable. So pick up some clothes that allow you to breathe better and feel comfortable against your skin.

Avoid showing too much skin

Showing some skin in the workplace can be frowned upon. This includes outfits like short skirts and low cut tops. If you want to be treated like a professional then dressing like one is the best way to be sure of it. To get a general idea on what you should be wearing always check the dress code and observe what other women are wearing. If you are new to the office, then it can always be smart to play it safe and wear an outfit that covers you up just as good as a HAZMAT suit.

Online schools for fashion are becoming more popular these days because of the convenience of online learning and the flexibility that learning at home can bring into your life. Even if you don’t want to have a career in fashion, you may get some good insight by taking a few online fashion classes. Stay tuned for more tips for workplace appropriate attire. If you have questions about a particular piece of clothing or general insight, please don’t hesitate to visit the contact page and submit it.

David Bounder is a guest columnist  at http://cluelessfashionista.com.

Ashia Sims is a  writer and blogger that works in television and film production. Clueless Fashionista is dedicated to making fashion fun and easy to understand.
Visit her website at  www.ashiasims.com and blog at http://cluelessfashionista.com.