
‘Tis the Season to Teach Our Children the Meaning of Giving

Family time:  Kristeen Ralston (left) and her daughters,  4-year-old, Alaziah Littlejohn (holding the pin cushion) and Amiyah Ralston-Knox, who is 12-years-old and in the seventh grade at Eastern High School. They volunteered their time to collect coats for a cause and help with minor mending.  TNCP photo 

LANSING, MI —  The holidays always spur people into action.  Families spending time choosing  gifts and some add giving to their lists as well.

Giving has always been a part of  Kristeen Ralston’s life.  

Ralston said, “My children make their Christmas lists every year and  Santa usually places what they have asked for under  the tree for them on Christmas morning.  Christmas is a magical time for my children and giving to others makes it even more special.”

Ralston is among a growing number of parents who do what they can to make sure that their children understand the importance of the holiday season.  It is so much more than just getting presents but also making sure that others have as well.

Ralston along with her daughters, Amiyah Ralston-Knox, who is 12-years-old and  in the seventh grade at Eastern High School and 4-year-old, Alaziah Littlejohn, stopped by The New Citizens Press Community Action Network’s (TNCP CAN’s) office to drop off some coats for a coat drive and also helped with minor mending.

Most children do not realize that they can make a big difference in the life of someone else. 

However, Amiyah is well aware of how much giving can go a long way.

She said, “My mother encourages us to be kind to other people.  It is important to give back because some people don’t have much money to support their families.  We need  to teach everyone that we are responsible for everyone around us.”

Note:  The New Citizens Press Community Action Network (TNCP CAN) will be collecting children’s coats for T.E.A.M. 517 and they will go to St. Vincent Charities and the adult coats will go to Open Door Ministries which is a day shelter for the homeless. If you have a coat you would like to donate, please call 517-282-3961.

This was printed in the December 2, 2012 – December 15, 2012 Edition