
TNCP Review Episode 7 (12-01-22): A mother turns her painful grieving into forgiveness and random acts of kindness

In this episode 7 of The New Citizens Press Review, publisher and show host, Rina Risper, talks with the mother of the late Marcus Burton Jackson, a talented comedian who was unfortunately, senselessly murdered. However, grieving mother, Miranda Faye Burton Hinton has a message about forgiveness …
Miranda Faye Burton Hinton is the Executive Director of the Marcus Da Comedian Foundation.
Growing up in a Bible-believing household under the guidance of her grandmother, Katherine Cooper Burton, at an early age, Miranda learned that caring for others is God’s plan. This experience cultivated Miranda’s heart for her family while yielding her to work hard in the body of Christ while teaching her family to stick together and beat the enemy at all costs.
On August 4, 2020, her life changed forever. Miranda’s family experienced a horrific violent crime: her sons, Marcus and Steven, double homicide. The crime and the impact it had on her family were heartbreaking. With the increase of violence in the community, Miranda and her family in response turned their pain into a purpose with their many acts of stewardship. His parents, children, and siblings created Marcus Da Comedian Foundation to continue Marcus’ many acts of kindness and his ability to laugh continues to heal souls.
Miranda said, “You’ve probably heard that laughter is the best medicine. Psalm 126:2 says, “Our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues are filled with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, The Lord has done great things for them.”