
Upcoming articles at The New Citizens Press

With 2006, quickly coming to an end, The New Citizens Press is continuing to work on articles that are interesting and informative for 2007.

Please contact us if you know anyone who should be in our “Interesting and Influential” edition or our “Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful” edition.  Both editions, feature people who work and/or live in our distribution area who are doing great things or who you believe are interesting and have not been exposed to our readers.

We are currently working on an “African Americans in War” series and we are looking for a family with a loved one overseas.

We are also looking for someone who will be graduating from college or high school in 2007.

Another article that we would like to work on is regarding “Getting Married in 2007”.

We need your input, so call us at 517-372-8466 or e-mail us at tncp@comcast.net .