
Update: CCCAN Town Hall Forum March 31, 2007

By Anir Senyah
The New Citizens Press

LANSING, MI — The Capital City Community Action Network’s Town Hall Forum  held at Trinity African American Methodist Episcopal Church on March 31, was a success.  Over 150 people attended the forum.  The intention of the forum was to get an idea from the community what its issues and concerns were.
      The  panelist were from a broad spectrum, which included community activists, church representatives and city, state and school officials.
    Two of the most prevalant issues asked about were having a Prayer Day and the absence of youth activities.  In one month they gathered information and implemented a Prayer Day.
     Paula Simon, community activist, said, “I would like to commend Pastor Nathan Dixon and Pastor Walter Gibson for the town hall forum hosted by  coming into this community with the spirit to make positive things happen within our community and promoting and encouraging economic and social change.”
       Francine Watts, coordinator of the Allen Neighborhood Center Kinship Support Group recently called and said, “When is the next Town Hall Forum?  I found out a lot about resources in the community.  Some of the panelists were very knowledgeable.  I want to hear from more people so that I will be able to know how I can better work with the people in our group.”
       The group said that there will be a more detailed report as soon as the film is edited for viewing.
       Capital City Community Action Network presented Sasha Fowler, and Lansing Community College film major with a check for $100.00.  She will be filming a documentary of the groups movement through the community and responses from individuals based on various events that they will be holding.
     Rina Risper, President and Publisher said, “This is a day of healing and spiritual growth.  The tragedy at Virginia Tech had many of us praying for the well being of the families.  The people at the forum asked for a day of prayer.  It is not something that should have a huge cloud of mystery over it.  It is quite simple.  If you don’t have time to stop by a church or a place of worship, just pray for health, guidance, hope, vision, empowerment, drug abuse, seniors, our children, your parents…. whatever ails you.”
     The places of worship are encouraged to be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 
       An interfaith prayer day for the Lansing community and beyond has been set for Wednesday, August 1, 2007.  For more information, please contact Rev. Nathan A. Dixon, Trinity A.M.E. Church, 517-882-5722 or Rev. Walter Gibson, 517-882-8012.