
Update: Jasmine Starr Miles

Rina N. Risper
President and Publisher
The New Citizens Press

    LANSING, MI — “A Daughter’s Love Continues to Shine” has continued to garner comments from across the community.  In the April 13, 2008 – April 26, 2008 edition, we wrote about Jasmine Miles, who was struck and killed by an auto on St. Joseph Street.  Her mother, Michelle Miles, bravely talked about the events that lead up to that fateful day.

The 5th Annual Jasmine Miles Memorial “Walk of Stars” will be at Waverly Middle School on Saturday, May 17, 2008 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

Comments from our readers:

Someone has to be the voice for the voiceless and bring to light those issues that are affecting the community. The articles remind us that we can’t walk around like everything is okay when it’s not.  Great Job!!!

Diane Gardin

Those that are involved in accidents is always tragic.  a lady at my church stated that she stated that she almost hit a baby in the road.  praise God she didn’t but got out of her car and pick him up and proceeded to find the mother who was not  watching him.  she cried through her whole testimony.  she was that baby’s angel.

Dianne Hicks
Lansing, MI


I also was hit while riding my bike – I think that it was in 2002?  Anyway, I am not sure where the list comes from- police reports?  I wonder if I am on that list…if not, I would guess the # to be much higher, as almost every biker I know has been hit at least once.
Thank you for putting this info out.

Kathie Kuhn
Lansing, MI


I read your issue. The stories were so touching. You did a great job on them Rina. They really help to make the case for sidewalks and slower speed limits in school zones. I will be sending out a press release in the coming weeks. I am assisting a co-worker on a Safe Routes to School Project with Reo and Willow Elementary Schools as they will be starting up their projects with kickoff assemblies on May 7 on the issue of pedestrian safety for their students. Their actual walk day will be the morning of May 14 (Reo’s first and then Willow’s), so it would be great if you could attend. I will keep in touch with you on it. Talk to you soon.

Rona R. Harris
Community Outreach Specialist
Ingham County Health Department
Lansing, MI


I was Lansing Community
Pharmacy yesterday reading the latest issue.

Before I retired from the Lansing Schools 2 years ago, I often walked or biked to work at Everett and Eastern high schools.  I live near the Potter Park Zoo and wanted to be proactive for my health as well as for
 the environment.  But I can’t tell you how many near misses I had from drivers who never looked to see if there were any pedestrians or bikers about.  Either they did the "Texas slide" through the intersection (never coming to a full stop at a right turn on red), barreled through a yellow light, or backed out of a driveway without looking in the rearview mirror.  Walking to work was, in a word, dangerous. The fact that I lived to write about it makes me very concerned that others, especially children, have not been so fortunate.

Alinda Wasner
Lansing, MI


I love all of your stories!!! Seriously!

Carol Baker
Lansing, MI

I just read your story literally 45 minutes ago.  I’m not sure that you understand what a meaningful voice you are for people in Lansing that don’t have any other advocates.

I hope all is well.

Chris Lewless
Lansing, MI

Congratulations!  The articles in the paper are timely and well written.  The one on the "road diet" should get people thinking and, hopefully, move them to action.
Keep up the good work.
Terri Lee ( former morning host for the Tom Joyner show WQHH)

How you doing? I hope all is well…. I am shock that so many people had been hit by cars… Thanks for the information…

Jonathan Solis – Southside Community Center
Lansing, MI


Great job on the walking/bicycling spread!

This kind of publicity will help convince the Public and City Council to slim down "bulging" roads without waiting for more fatalities.

Lyndon B
Faithful reader of TNCP
Member of the Lansing Task Force on Walking and Bicycling