
Update on the Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful

By Rina Risper
The New Citizens Press

LANSING, MI — This year will be our 4th year featuring our Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful.  We wanted to bring you some updates on our past honorees.  We have featured some really outstanding individuals and look forward to bringing you an exciting look into what 2008’s BBB’s are all about in our next edition.
We’re looking for honorees for next year.  Let us know who we can feature.  Everyone is welcome to submit or be chosen by our able staff.  We’re always watching your accomplishments and the  powerful things that you do in the community. We are proud of Kristen and Brian.  We congratulate Stacy on the birth of her beautiful baby girl.



Ryleigh is the daughter of Stacy Lewis, who was in the first Best Brightest and Most Beautiful edition in 2005.  Stacy Lewis owns a State Farm Insurance agency in Lansing.  Courtesy photo.






Brian McGrain was featured in 2007,  he is running for Democrat for Ingham County Commission








Since 2005, Kristen has become the
President, Junior Achievement of Mid-Michigan