
Veteran’s Day is November 1, 2013 New Benefits on the Horizon Assistance Applying for VA Benefits

LANSING, MI —  Many veterans and their dependents find the VA process overwhelming while others are unaware of their eligibility. The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs has numerous benefit programs for eligible veterans and their surviving spouse. Some of these benefits include: 
Disability Compensation is a benefit for veterans who suffered a chronic injury or disease while in service. Their also are “presumptive benefits” for specific conditions for Ex Prisoners of War, in country Vietnam Veterans, Persian Gulf, and radiation exposed veterans.
Pension benefits (war era veterans) and Survivors Pension benefits (un-remarried surviving spouses of war era veterans) are income based benefits for veterans and their surviving spouses. 
Aid and Attendance benefits may be available to those veterans and surviving spouses whose health necessitates assistance with activities of daily living.
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) benefits can be paid to surviving spouses when the veteran died from service connected injuries/diseases. The surviving spouse may be eligible for benefits even if the veteran did not apply during their lifetime. Also if the veteran was rated at 100% for ten years the spouse is eligible for DIC.
Post 9/11 GI Bill provides eligible veterans with a monthly housing allowance, tuition, and an allowance for books/supplies. Disabled veterans are also eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation training which may include reemployment, rapid access to employment, self employment, employment through long term services or independent living services for those that are severely disabled as a result of their military service.
VA provides healthcare to those veterans meeting eligibility criteria. This includes low cost or no cost prescriptions. Locally the Lansing Community Outbased Clinic at 2500 S. Washington Street in Lansing provides primary care services to veterans in the Greater Lansing area. Emergency financial assistance for basic daily necessities may be available for honorably discharged war era veterans and their un-remarried surviving spouse. These benefits are county based and application is made in the county of residence.
Burial and death benefits are available for honorably discharged veterans. These include military honors, internment in a National Cemetery, veterans marker, Presidential Memorial Certificate and possible county and federal monetary benefits. 
Ingham County Department of Veteran Affairs has three accredited counselors available on an appointment basis for veterans and their dependents of Ingham and Clinton county. If you are a veteran, or a surviving spouse of a veteran and would like to discuss potential benefits please call (517) 887-4331 to schedule an appointment.
This was printed in the November 3, 2013 – November 16, 2013 Edition