
We Remember Community Activist, Ruth Hallman: 1931-2007

LANSING, MI –Ruth Hallman,
President of the Genesee Neighborhood Association was a longtime community activist.  She was severely beaten in her home and passed away on July
28, 2007.
     Ruth Hallman’s attacker has not been caught as of press time.  She would have told us to keep the faith in light of this tragic event and to make sure that we never stopped fighting for people’s right to live in peace in their own neighborhood.
     Ruth Hallman wore many hats in the Lansing community and is known far and wide by a number of accomplishments, but the softer quiet spirit that moved through the neighborhood many times not known by all but felt by many in need.
      Ms. Hallman took those who could not drive to the store, picked them up in all kinds of weather and then helped to get their groceries into the house; along with filling the lists of others who could not leave their homes.
      She took neighbors to doctors and dentist appointments; and held hands during procedures and filled prescriptions on the way home.  It was nothing to her to take time at night to bring supper to a sick friend or to call to make sure they were tucked in for the night.
      Recycling books to magazines for those who could not afford them and keeping a list of favorite authors on hand so when visiting the second hand book store or a rummage sale is quick to add to the treasurers Ms. Hallman had for others. 
     She  prided herself with the ability to pick up a blouse or suit at the Goodwill that was just right for a neighbor for that Sunday service or upcoming graduation and then worked many hours into the night to shorten the pants or change the buttons just so they will look their best for the event of a life time.
   The aroma of breads fill the house as Ms. Hallman made her way to neighbors with small gifts to fill the heart and warm bread to fill the soul, and she will continues to touch lives. 
   Ms. Hallman has brightened lives, changed hearts, and delivered a timely and much needed measure of brotherhood in the Genesee neighborhood.  She was the recipient of the 2007 Bea Christy Award that honors individuals who give to their community.
     Ms. Hallman was an active member of Grace Lutheran, which is across the street from her home.  She has served on a number of church committees and was always a helping hand.
     She was a moving force in the adoption of the Stalker Legislation with the State of Michigan, Nuisance Property Ordinance with the City of Lansing, and Housing Code revisions to help her neighborhood and countless others. 
      Ms. Hallman and husband Carl (deceased) moved into the neighborhood in 1959. Where she raised three children, and is a grandmother of four, and great grandmother of two.

Note:  Ms. Hallman and her daughter, Councilperson Carol Wood were chosen as two of our 2007 Most Interesting and Influential edition which is posted on www.tncp.net.  They were the first mother and daughter to be featured in the same edition.