
We Remember Community Activist Sherill D. Pittman …May 23, 1954 – January 10, 2009…


By Rina N. Risper
President & Publisher
The New Citizens Press

LANSING, MI — Sherill D. Pittman knew what she wanted in life and often sought creative ways to achieve her goals.  Over 400 people crowded into Body & Soul  Restaurant located at 3015 S. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. to pay tribute and celebrate Sherill’s life. She touched the lives of so many people that her mother, Lansing community activist, Mary Lou Pittman, commented about the overwhelming turnout. 

Sherill was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the end of October 2008.  It had spread to her liver and the disease progressed quickly. According to wikipedia, pancreatic cancer is a malignant tumor of the pancreas.  Each year in the United States, almost 38,000 die from the disease.

Most recently, pancreatic cancer has received more coverage because actor, Patrick Swayze is battling with it.  The 56-year old, Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March of 2008 and states that ever since then he has been in a battle for his life.  He is currently in the hospital with pneumonia as he takes a break from shooting his new series “The Beast”.

Pancreatic cancer is a progressive disease and depending on the when the “silent disease” is diagnosed usually the survival rate is very poor.  Complete remission is rare and less than 5 percent of those diagnosed live for more than 5 years after the prognosis.

Sherill didn’t have many symptoms that would immediately send her to the doctor.  As an active woman, she began to feel tired and began to slow down.  She was nauseous and didn’t feel well and decided to go to the doctor.

Friends and family gathered on January 10, to show their love and adoration for a woman that some say would do anything for anyone.

In return, people braved the woes of winter to have a chance to see Sherill but she was too ill to attend the last party she would ever coordinate.

Sherill orchestrated the entire event, planning it from beginning to end.  She asked several people to share life stories as they related to her.  You could sense the urgency in the room, it was as though Sherill knew that she wanted this particular day to be hers.

Sherill was funny and enjoyable remembers her cousin, Shannell Henry, “She always made people around her laugh and smile.  There was never a dull moment around Sherill.”

Sherill was born in Lansing and attended West Jr. and Sexton High School.  She was one of the co-founders of El-Shabazz Academy and also sat on their board.

She coached the girl’s golf team at Everett.  Her commitment to the youth was evident.

She loved to be around family and friends and was one of the organizers for the “Back in the Day Picnic” which hosted it’s 2nd annual picnic this past summer where Sherill worked diligently to help ensure everyone had a blast including the youth that were present.

She was a huge supporter of Lansing Everett’s football and basketball teams and more recently followed Eastern’s football team. 

Shanell Henry said, “God being the merciful God that he is, allowed Sherill to have her last wish.  She planned the roast herself and in light of her dire situation prepared everyone for her death.  Her smile was contagious and her energy was boundless, she touched many people with her giving spirit.”
Many said Sherill was the type of person who while in hospice would ask how you how were  doing and dismissed her own pain.

She also loved golf and was a member of the Lady Tee’s and helped orchestrate golfing events for young people who wanted to learn how to play.

At the roast, Sherill’s mother, Ms. Pittman, explained to the crowded room that Sherill herself, was prepared to go to heaven and she herself had come to terms with that.
“Sherill made it easy for us to deal with the possibility of her dying,” said Ms. Pittman with a strong voice.

Sherill died almost an hour after her roast at age 54.  

Sherill worked for the State of Michigan as a Department Technician for the Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth.
She was the mother of  Damieon Pittman from Atlanta, GA.

Sherill’s visitation is on Thursday, January 15, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m., at the Riley Funeral Home located at 426 West St. Joseph Street. Funeral services will be held Friday, January 16, 12:00 pm at New Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 3800 W. Miller Road.

She’ll be missed by many in the community and we may never really know how many lives she changed.

Click here for more information on the cancer that took her life