
We Will Always Remember: Trinidad Sanchez, Jr

He suffered a massive stroke on July 18th. On Friday, the 21st, he woke up from the coma he had been in and was responding to those around him although he could only say a few words. . . . He will be missed by many but for those lives that he touched he is still expecting them to carry on the torch of being true to yourself. He was hospitalized until his death.

Trinidad Sanchez, Jr. was a bilingual Chicano poet who traveled extensively, lecturing and performing for schools and universities. For a number of years he was actively involved with the literary community in Detroit, he was originally from Pontiac.

He was involved with so many poetry scenes and always made people feel comfortable in his presence. Trino, as he is known to friends, has worked in the Lansing Schools, has appeared at Way Station Books numerous times, joined the NuPoet Collective at Gregory’s, appeared as a poet at the LCC Black History Month reading, and joined the Old Town Poets at the Creole Gallery for a fabulous reading the February before last.

Ruelaine Stokes, coordinator of The Old Town Poets said, “Listening to Trino read, you felt like you had known him all your life. And he is not only a brilliant poet and performer. . . . . . . . . he is an artist who dedicated his life to encouraging and teaching others to write and to perform. . . . "to get out there and do it."”

During his last days, he was surrounded by people who loved him, and poets and friends came from many places to read poetry to him and to be by his side.

Pete Vargas said, “He was a real Chicano and he let everyone know how proud he was through his words.”

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to:
Mrs. Trinidad Sánchez, Jr.
2803 Fredericksburg Rd. #1215
San Antonio, TX 78201