
Wellness News 4-16

   On Sunday, October 2, 2005 AIDS Walk Michigan – Lansing/East Lansing will be officially hosted by Evans Scholars of Michigan State University. For the past 11 years, the local service oriented fraternity provides extensive assistance in all phases of the fundraising event. Their support and enthusiasm for this event and their commitment to LAAN and the AIDS Walk has become an annual tradition and has forged a unique partnership in the local effort to raise awareness and funding to stop the further spread of HIV.
    AIDS Walk Michigan is a non-profit organization that began in 1998 to raise awareness of HIV and AIDS, and to raise money for AIDS services in participating Michigan communities. Funds for AIDS Walk Michigan come from a variety of sources. Individuals and teams participating in the 5k Walk ask for pledges from friends, family members and their communities. Corporate contributions and sponsorships (cash or in-kind donations) from area businesses are also donated. In addition, hundreds of companies, churches and organizations from Detroit to Kalamazoo raise funds to lend a hand.
   The funds generated by each AIDS Walk are dedicated to HIV/AIDS education, prevention and services. It is important to know that all of the money collected by a community remains in that community to support its local AIDS services. Some local agencies direct all the monies donated to a single service agency, while others divide their proceeds among more than one agency. The local agencies that benefit from AIDS Walk Michigan serve nearly 60% of the 15,500 Michigan residents living with HIV and AIDS. For some HIV/AIDS service organizations, the Walk is their primary fundraising event.
   For LAAN, AIDS Walk Michigan – Lansing helps to not only raise donated funds to help underwrite the costs associated with programs and services, but also helps to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS here in the greater Lansing community. Be sure to mark your calendars now and plan to attend the 2005 AIDS Walk in Valley Court Park, East Lansing.
    If you would like to register as an individual or organize a Walk Team to represent your organization, you may create your own Walk Web Page and recruit or raise money for your team online. Friends, families, coworkers and supporters can pledge money using their credit card to donate to your efforts. It’s fun, it’s easy and it’s all for a great cause!
    For more information or to register, please visit ourwebsites: www.laanonline.org and www.aidswalkmichigan.org  
   You may also phone Patrick Lombardi at LAAN: 517 394 3719 ext 14 plombardi@laanonline.org