
Wellness News 8-18

LANSING, MI — September 22, 2009 marked the first annual Fall Prevention Awareness Day in Michigan.

If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, you might benefit from awareness activities happening around the state today.

-  Have you fallen in the last 6 months?

-  Do you feel like your balance has gotten worse lately?

-  Are you afraid that you will fall?

-  Are you living independently and want to remain living independently?

All seniors want to live healthy and independent lives.  Unfortunately,
many will fall resulting in injuries that can lead to serious consequences.  Nationally, more than a third of older adults will fall each year.  Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalizations for older adults.  Falls are also the most common cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI), which results in brain cell death and loss of function, for an older adult.

The good news is that falls are preventable.  Falls are not a natural part of the aging process.  Many different factors play a role in causing falls.  By changing some of these factors, such as beginning a regular exercise routine, making your home safer, having a healthcare provider review your medications, or having your vision checked, you can lower your chances of falling.

Because of the high number of seniors falling, more and more states are raising awareness of fall prevention.  On Tuesday, September 22, 2009 the State of Michigan will recognize Falls Prevention Awareness Day.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm has issued a proclamation declaring the first day of fall as Fall Prevention Awareness Day to draw attention to this important public health issue.

Fall Prevention Awareness Day is a collaborative effort between the
Michigan TBI Services and Provider Council, Michigan Department of Community Health, and the Brain Injury Association of Michigan.  For more information on fall prevention, please visit: www.michigan.gov/tbi,
www.michigan.gov/injuryprevention, and www.biami.org.