
What have you done for your state lately?

 By Bob Robinson

Michigan is in a defining moment in history.  More of our people are out of work that in a lifetime.  Those of us lucky enough to still have a job are working far more for less.  Our roads and our infrastructure are crumbling before our very eyes, and even our children’s education is in jeopardy.If we do not take action now, we could be the first generation in Michigan to leave it in worse condition for our children.
We can’t let that happen.  Our problems are big, but they are not bigger than we are!  We owe it to our children and our children’s children to leave them a prosperous Michigan.  The same Michigan that we have know: that built the Mackinaw Bridge, put the world on wheels, and for decades stood as the proud backbone of the nation’s economy.  
What as individual citizens can we do to help our state get through these times?
Below is a list of suggestions.
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Donate clothing to a charity
Mow the lawn of an elderly neighbor
Buy your produce from a local farm market
Attend a towns
hip government meeting 
Spend $50 at an independent business
Buy Michigan
 products and services first
Plant your own garden and donate some of the produce to a pantry
Run for office
Ride share, ride CATA or EATRAN
Volunteer at your local school district
Join the Parent Teacher Organization
Donate classroom supplies to your favorite teacher
Write your State Representative or Senator
Volunteer or support a candidate for office
Practice tolerance
Enjoy a local festival
Participate in a DOT 
highway cleanup
Recycle, reduce, and reuse
If we’re to get through these tough times, we’ll need to work together.  As our state flag proclaims: “E Pluribus Unum:” from many we are one.  And if it’s true that two heads are better than one, then 10 million are unstoppable.
Robinson is a citizen candidate for the office of State Representative of Eaton County, District 71, who is not seeking lobby money for his campaign.  Bob lives with his family in Vermontville, Michigan, and is involved in his community. For information, go to www.district71.com or his Facebook page at http://facebook.dj/district71.
This was originally printed in the June 20, 2010 – July 3, 2010 edition.