
Wise Time Management Tips to Get the Job Done

 By Heather Williams

With only 24 hours in a day, there are often times when we are unable to complete a task before the clock runs out.  On Sunday, November 1, 2015, daylight savings time ends at 2:00 am.  Even though there is a change in time for some, most of who will have the luxury of an extra hour will not feel it.  
In order to get the most out of the day, we need to know how to better manage our time. Time management skills can be used for multiple purposes, the objective is to organize your task so that you are able to complete your project timely and on schedule. To do so, here are a few steps to take:
Create a detailed “to-do-list”, listing everything you have to do in order to complete that task. Under each step, list any further steps you may need to take in order to complete that part of the task. If you are working on multiple projects, create a detailed “to-do-list” for each one as so. Be sure to coordinate the individual projects with one another as you proceed to the next step, setting deadlines.
It may seem like a lot of extra work but in the long run having your details in order will help you stay on task.  Having it written down, will help you remember exactly what you have to do.  There are plenty of distractions in today’s work and personal environment.  
Setting deadlines allows you to know what and when you have to have a task to complete. When assigning a deadline it is very important to think about these three things so that you can incorporate them into setting efficient deadlines. 
1.  Timeframes: This is a block of time that varies depending on the length of time it will take you to complete the entire project.. The timeframe that you will be working keeps you on track and is good for projects that extend beyond weeks to complete. Timeframes do not always work around your schedule. There may be task that has to be completed by a specific date in order to move forward with your project. Timeframes should list the most important items on the “to-do-list” first and highlight specific times and dates. 
2.   Barriers: Obstacles prevent progress. Although we can not predict or stop all obstacles, there are ones that we can by not creating them. When you do not keep a to-do-list and track your progress, you may miss a step to a task that put a halt to the entire project.  Jamming up your time fixing a problem that should not have occurred puts extra stress on you and possibly your entire team. 
3.   Overload: Although managing time is about completing many tasks in a specific period of time, the schedule is not meant to be so overloaded that you cannot meet the deadline for the project. 
Track Progress
As you begin to implement your time management plan, it is important to track your progress. Tracking your progress helps you to stick to your plan as you check off task you have completed. During this time you can also add or eliminate task to your “to-do-list”. If you add items to your “to-do-list” be sure to coordinate all changes with your other projects. Do this until the project is complete. 
There are a few extra things to keep in mind as you move through the organization of projects or tasks.  Writing the process down and advanced planning can mean the difference between failure and success.  
Avoid procrastinating so that you meet all deadlines. Limit distractions whenever possible. Take breaks and do not overload yourself and cause burnout. If a task is completed early, proceed to the next step only after reviewing your schedule if working on multiple projects so that you do not create a conflict with other projects.
These steps will help you better manage your time. When you are done with one project assess where your successes and failures were. Depending on what your goals were you can make changes or add upgrades to already paved road to effective time management skills.  
Heather Williams is a freelance writer from Lansing, MI. She values informing the public on multiple up-to-date topics.  You can contact her at MsHDWilliams@gmail.com. 
Editor’s note: TNCP staff contributed to this article.
This article was printed in the October 4, 2015 – October 17, 2015.