
Women’s Organization to Celebrate 23rd Annual Founders’ Awards Brunch

LANSING, MI — On Saturday, April 16, 2005, The Greater Lansing Area Club, Inc. of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, Inc. (NANBPWC) will pay honor to several Lansing area residents who have impacted the community in a positive way at its 23rd Annual Founders’ Awards Brunch.  The Club will recognize these individuals in four award categories.  The highest honor, Sojourner Truth, will be awarded to Norma Champion-Jones.   Reverend Viol Trice will join the prestigious list of honorable men who have been bestowed with the Frederick Douglass Award.  The Business Excellence Award will be given to Ida Thompson of Ida’s Ribs and Chicken and Anna M. Brown was selected for the Community Service Award.  In addition to these honorees, the Greater Lansing Area Club, Inc. will present a Scholarship to Jasmine Bell of Lansing Community College. 
     Each year clubs of the NANBPWC host a celebration to honor its national and local founders.  Effie Diton, Adelaide Flemming, Pearl Flippen, Josephine B. Keene, Emma Odessa Young, Ollie Chinn Porter and Bertha Perry Rhodes founded the national organization in 1935.  The Greater Lansing Area Club charter was established on July 28, 1982 under the leadership of Lela M. Eaton with active charter members Odean Bradley, Gloria Davis, Dorothy Hudson, Betty Nixon, Claudine Walker and Eugenia Williams.  
     The organization, composed of business and professional women, mission is to promote and protect the interest of business and professional women, create good fellowship, unite for action to improve social and civic conditions, to create and develop opportunities for African American women and develop youth through educational assistance.  The club accomplishes its mission through its HEED program, which focuses on Health, Employment, Education and Economic Development.  
    The 23rd Annual Founders’ Day Awards Brunch, Co-Chaired by Renee Freeman and Elizabeth M. Chaney, will commence at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 16th at the Best Western Midway Hotel, 7711 W. Saginaw in Lansing, Michigan.  This year’s theme is “Women Embracing a Changing Society with TLC (technology, leadership and communication).  Minister Sheila R. Vann, First Lady of Second Ebenezer Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan is the guest speaker.   For tickets, please contact President Gloria Davis at 517:  337-8801.