Realize that you have to be the one to create a positive universe for yourself. There are already enough obstacles standing in the way without you getting in your own way.
When we were little boys and girls, the rules of life are pretty much already laid out for us. We are socialized to conform to what is acceptable: the standards of society. The norm for most are rules that are only achievable based on ludicrous facts and assumptions about our lives and how we are supposed to live them. All of these rules are supposed to inevitably lead us to the final acceptable end result. Never mind that when you become an adult, you are far from feeling satisfaction in your life. Well, Sir and Ma’am, if you are still feeling this way into your approaching midlife, your are way overdo to rewrite your own life script.
If there is something that you feel passionately about and it is legal, not lethal, not done maliciously to hurt others and is positive, then there should be nothing stopping you! You only have to correct your mindset. Realize that you are the driving force behind your success. Of course as with any project, hard work and dedication is key. You have to just set your mind to think of which actions will get you closer to your end goal. Whatever you have been doing before has not made you committed enough to change your mind and thus your actions. Be honest with yourself. Have you been truly steadfast and consistent in ensuring that your actions are bringing you any closer to your personal or professional goals? If you cannot commit to your own visions, how do you expect to achieve them and how do you expect your passions to be taken seriously.
Hey, believe in yourself and it will come together. Only do things in a good place. Do not do things with ill-will intended. All of that negative energy will only get in the way of your creative energy. If you want positive you must be a reflection of positive. Be your best self at all cost. Be the light that people are drawn to. I believe in doing the following: love God, love self, and love family. When you do this it is pretty hard to do things that are not good and coming from a healthy and love filled element of you. I have found that when I opt to do something needed by others, the joy and gratification that I feel is overwhelming and priceless. More importantly, it adds the fuel to the feeling that I need to do more.
Doing more for others, more to reach my personal goals and seeking more ways to feel the light allows you to fulfill your opportunity for greatness.
Charissa Patterson is wife, mother, daughter and friend. She is a motivational speaker and writes about inspiring individuals who seek personal enrichment and enlightenment. Charissa is originally from Lansing, MI and currently lives in Lens, Belgium.
This was printed in the May 20, 2012 – June 2, 2012 Edition