
Your Letters 10-3

Dear TNCP,

I’m a retired businessperson and as I watch politicians try to cut their way to a strong Michigan and United States I find that there is much confusion between the purpose of business and the purpose of government.
The purpose of business is to provide products/services that generate a profit.  The purpose of a democratic government is to provide the programs and structure that allow the people to be the best that they can be.  Both share the need for efficiency.  Both must generate revenue.  Both must control their expenditures.  However, their purpose, their reason for being, is very different. 
A business can achieve its purpose by charging a price for its products/services, expanding its market and controlling its costs.  A business can start up or close down at will.  
A democratic government can achieve its purpose by listening to the people.  It must decide what the people want/need.   It must then raise the revenue to accomplish these wants/needs.   It can’t close down or start up at will.  It must look at the long term and assess its actions on future generations.
People in a democratic society expect to pay taxes and fees.  They expect services.  They expect efficiency.  They expect fairness.  They don’t expect special treatment for the richest.  They don’t expect bribery in the form of “campaign contributions”.  They don’t expect to be treated less fairly than the people who hold political office.  They expect a government of, by and for the people – not just the richest people, not just the business people – all of the people.  We are a state and a nation, not a business. 
Arnold Stieber
Grass Lake, MI  
(PS – I’m a military veteran and a member of Veterans For Peace – VFP93.org)