
2006 Best, Brightest, & Most Beautiful

LANSING, MI — This is our second year publishing the “Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful “ edition. There are no repeats from last year and that is because there are so many people in this town or who have lived in this town who are worthy of being in the article. Some who were chosen, have great personalities and others I have heard about recently. Some I have watched to see how they treat people in public and others I have met during the time I have owned this newspaper.
We did request submissions in several editions of the paper. The order was chosen based on when we received the information and other technical issues.

Only one person that we asked this year did not complete the request. No one paid or asked for themselves to be in the article either. This is a great town with great people and we collectively should support them. Call and inquire about services and most of all tell them that you saw it in The New Citizens Press.

We hope that you enjoy this article. If you would like to reach any of the individuals and you cannot through what is available to you, please phone, mail or write to us. We will pass the message on.





























2006 Best, Brightest & Most Beautiful