
A Day of Prayer Set for August 1, 2007

By Ralph Kowalski
The New Citizens Press

     LANSING, MI– On August 1, Capital Area Community Action Network (CCCAN)  is expecting people to pray.  There will be several churches open for this day. If you need more information about the churches that are going to be opened please call The New Citizens Press at 517-372-8466.
    In celebration of this day, CCCAN has also partnered with Mount Hope Ministries Prison Outreach Program  to provide good used children’s books and Christian DVD’s, CD’s and literature to those who are affected by the Michigan prison system.
    The successful book drive has collected over 3,000 books for this project.  CCCAN board member Rina Risper said, “There has been an overwhelming  response to the book drive for the prisoners.  It tells me that there are people in this city and the surrounding areas who really care.”
     There have been generous donations from the Capital Area District Library and from Russell Mc Reynolds who is retiring from the United Methodist Church downtown.
      There have been donations from folks from Maryland and Ohio.
       Len Hill, who is the coordinator from Mount Hope Prison Ministries indicated that they have already set a record year for sending books.  Hill states that it is not only Michigan prisoners who benefit from this program.
     CCCAN members are appreciative of all of the support and donations that they have received from the community.
     They also want people to be more involved and what better way to start than being involved with a day of prayer.     

What is prayer and what results do you expect from it?

Answered by
Reverend Walter Gibson
Pastor of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

Lansing, MI

"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Prayer is the divine invitation to fellowship with the Unseen and Most Holy One.  Prayer is not something we have to do; it is something we get to do.  Prayer is the vehicle by which we partner with God to see His plans and purposes come to pass in our lives and in the lives of those we love and care about.
The same invitation God extended to Jeremiah is the same invitation He extends to all of his children.  If we call God in prayer, he promises that He will answer us (no busy signal). When He answers, he will reveal to us things, answers to problems, concepts and ideas that are "exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can ask or even imagine." Ephesians 3:20.   With this in mind, why not pray!

   The Unity in the Community Project was first started in August of 2006 at a Unity in the Community meeting at the Islamic Society of Greater Lansing located in East Lansing, MI.  It was a project created by the Publisher, Rina Risper to see how different or similar answers were to the same question about healing, prayer and religion.  The New Citizens Press welcomes answers to “What is prayer, and what results do you expect from it?” send us an e-mail at tncp@comcast.net or write us.  Please also send us a picture and your denomination.