
Advertise with The New Citizens Press

Advertising Rates and Calendar

Maximum Advertising Exposure to over 40,000 Readers

Our classified ads and custom advertising sizes are by the column inch. Fill out the form below for an estimate, or contact us with any questions at 517-372-8466 or rinaripser.tncp@gmail.com.

Advertising Rates

15% discounted advertising is for 6 consecutive editions and requires prepayment.

Local (Ingham, Eaton, and Clinton Counties):

Full Page B/W
(6 columns)
11.85 x 21

Half Page B/W
(6 columns)
11.85 x 10.41

1/4 Page B/W
(3 columns)
5.832 x 10.41

1/8 Page B/W
(3 columns)
5.832 x 5

1/16 B/W
(3 columns)
5.382 x 2.5

State and National:

Full Page B/W
(6 columns)
11.85 x 21

Half Page B/W
(6 columns)
11.85 x 10.41

1/4 Page B/W
(3 columns)
5.832 x 10.41

1/8 Page B/W
(3 columns)
5.832 x 5

1/16 B/W
(3 columns)
5.382 x 2.5

Column Width:

1 column = 1.84″
2 columns = 3.896″
3 columns = 5.832″
4 columns = 7.839″
5 columns = 9.846″
6 columns = 11.85″

Local Rate

$16 per column inch

State / National Rate

$20 per column inch


$200.00 extra


$100 per thousand


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300 dpi cmyk

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Advertising Calendar