
Best Brightest and Most Beautiful 2006: Elizabeth Kudwa

Elizabeth Kudwa
Business Reference Librarian
Capital Area District Library

Elizabeth Kudwa is the Business Reference Librarian at the Capital Area District Library and has been working in this capacity for the past two years.  Elizabeth greatly enjoys using her skills and talents to bring expanded business programming and resources to the district’s business community.
Elizabeth’s background is in business and she obtained her Bachelors in Business Administration from the University of Michigan – Flint.  Her major was in Marketing and she also spent two semesters abroad as an exchange student in Japan.  Elizabeth earned her Masters degree in Library and Information Science from Wayne State University.
Elizabeth’s primary work background is in marketing research and consulting.  She spent two years working for a major consumer marketing research firm.  Prior to coming to CADL, Elizabeth held two positions.  She worked as a senior analyst at a business-to-business consulting firm and also worked in a part-time capacity at the Brighton District Library.
The primary mission of the Business Reference Librarian is to provide outreach reference services to the business community of the Capital Area District Library.  This includes meeting with business leaders and attending business functions in the community to promote the library and its services.  Other services include assisting in research on any business-related topic, instruction in the remote use of the library’s business databases, and increased programming for the community such as “How to Start a Small Business” of “Financial Planning 101”.  Should you have a need for any of these business services, you can reach her at the Capital Area District Library, 401 S. Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI  48933.  Email:  kudwae@cadl.org or phone: 517-334-1522.