
Interpersonal Edge: Do you dare tell the truth at work?

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q. I’ve noticed a lot of people in my workplace seem to play it fast and loose with the truth. They often cover up their mistakes and play up their strengths. My coworker says this is marketing, I think it is lying. Who is right?

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Interpersonal Edge: Identify root of workplace problems

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
 Q. I’m generally overwhelmed by the number of problems I face at work every day. I’ve been to time management classes. I know how to prioritize. I still see no way to actually fix the mountain of issues that face me every Monday morning. Is there some way not to start out behind every day I go to work?

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Interpersonal Edge: When dumb is smart

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
  Q. I work with a very smart guy who seems to make everything complicated. We often have to explain projects to customers. How do I get him to dumb it down, so we don’t lose projects, without insulting him?

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Interpersonal Edge: Choose power, not pity

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

 Tribune Media Services
 Q. The past year has been nothing but drama. There has been a huge amount of turnover, unexpected changes, and demanding projects. Everyone in the company is constantly making things worse by complaining about how unfair it all is. Is there a way to get my team to focus more on fixing problems than whining about their circumstances?

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Interpersonal Edge: Don’t get even at work; think about ways to get ahead

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q. I get angry at work because people rarely do what they should. I end up picking up the pieces. My boss recently told me my coworkers think I’m creating a hostile workplace. Well, I think they are not doing the job they’re paid for. Am I right?

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Interpersonal Edge: Don’t fall for fantasy in the workplace

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q. My team and my manager work with a charismatic supervisor who is always telling lies about what he’s going to do for our company. My team and manager hang on every word he says, make excuses for why he doesn’t deliver, and then look forward to his next promise. I’m sick of my team getting hung out to dry. How do I get my team and manager to wake up?

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Interpersonal Edge: Secrets to succeeding at New Year’s resolutions

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q.  Seems like January is always a good time to evaluate my habits and attempt to set up better goals. I’d like to work on everything from keeping my desk cleaner to not saying snarky things in meetings. Seems by February every year, all my good intentions have faded. How can I actually succeed at keeping my New Year’s resolutions?

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Interpersonal Edge: Get uncooperative coworker to help

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q. My manager wants me to work with a guy who never follows through on what I ask him to do. Then my manager blames me for not getting my work done. I have tried to tell my coworker that he needs to cooperate with me or I’ll get in trouble, but he doesn’t care. How do I get my coworker to shape up?

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Interpersonal Edge: Make boss ‘get real’ about expectations

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
Q. My boss has ridiculous expectations about what I should do at work. I’m getting exhausted from him telling me to “fly” and me having to explain why I can’t. Is there any diplomatic way to get a boss to get real when it comes to expectations of employees.

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Interpersonal Edge: An edge for discouraged job seekers

By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Media Services
  Q. I’m in my 20s and I’m discouraged about how to give myself any advantage in such a competitive tough job market. Are there strategies you recommend to clients who are struggling to get the attention of potential employers?

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