
Interpersonal Edge: Anger is energy; use it to your advantage


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
  Q. I work too much and feel pretty much underpaid and underappreciated. Promises were made when I first took this job, and none of these promises have been fulfilled. When I try to meet with my manager, he avoids me. I figure it is time to hit the job hunt trail. I can’t wait to see my manager’s face when I tell him to shove this stupid job. Is there a best way to look for a job while still employed?

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Interpersonal Edge: What is workplace enlightenment?


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
Q. I’m interested in emotional maturity, personal growth and enlightenment, but every day I just want to bite people at work. Isn’t enlightenment some state you achieve where you sit around in nirvana all day?

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Interpersonal Edge: Right words can transform an antagonist into an ally


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
 A. I often find people at work will respond in an intensely negative way to a word I use when I don’t mean anything bad by it. Then people get upset and think I want to fight with them. How do I stop these cycles of conflict before they begin?

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Interpersonal Edge: To tackle big tasks, use the 5 minute solution


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
  Q. My job has numerous large projects that I never get a chance to tackle. I can’t seem to carve out enough time to get any one complicated assignment done. Do you have a strategy for getting large projects done when you are overwhelmed with daily demands?


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Interpersonal Edge: Get support for personal tragedy outside the workplace


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
Q. I’m going through a bad divorce and a cancer diagnosis. I do not know how much to tell people at work. Obviously, I’m thinking about my personal life a lot, but I don’t want other people to see me as incompetent. How can I maintain both my credibility and my sanity through this difficult time? 

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Interpersonal Edge: Make sure workplace jerk doesn’t


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
  Q. I have a guy at work that everyone agrees is rude, arrogant and hostile. I am the opposite. He has made it clear to our team that he doesn’t like me. The weird thing is that people always throw me under the bus and blame me about the conflict. Why do people favor the people who act badly and not support the person who is nice? And how do I deal with this?

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Interpersonal Edge: Seek the truth – not mere compliments – about your work performance


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
Q. I’ve noticed how often I have intense emotional reactions to both praise and criticisms at work. When I am complimented, I do pretty much whatever the person flattering me asks. When I am criticized, I end up getting upset for days about whether I am doing a good job. Is there a way to not be so influenced by whether people like what I am doing or not? 


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Interpersonal Edge: Better boundaries guarantee better behavior


By Dr. Daneen Skube
Tribune Content Agency
  Q. I am a great believer in second chances, but I’m finding people use my generosity to take advantage of me repeatedly. How can I give people the benefit of the doubt without ending up on the short end of the stick?


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Interpersonal Edge: Hate the flakes who won’t commit? Force the issue


By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
  Q: When I look at the long lil s Q: People who won’t commit drive me crazy. They seem to think I’m waiting in suspended animation – just in case they decide to follow through! Is there a strategy to get flaky people to either make a commitment or leave me alone? I’m so tired of organizing my schedule around people who won’t make a plan and won’t go away, either.

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Interpersonal Edge: the path to big-time career success starts with small achievements

 By Dr. Daneen Skube

Tribune Content Agency
  Q: When I look at the long list of tasks to do before I can get ahead in my job this year, I feel discouraged. When I look at people I admire, I simply can’t understand how they accomplished all they did to end up so successful. Is there a strategy you teach clients to achieve great things when they’re overwhelmed by the number of steps to the goal?

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