
We Remember Tamara Dobson

Actress most known for playing Cleopatra Jones died October 2.

Actress Tamara Dobson, one of the blaxploitation era’s biggest stars and best known for her turn as crime-fighting Cleopatra Jones in two 70s films, died Monday

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DOLORES HUERTA: ‘The People Feel Powerless’

Mexican-American labor activist Dolores Huerta speaks to Teaching Tolerance about the economic roots of immigration, organizing and workers’ rights.

Today, labor and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta has the same energy she had working alongside labor activist Cesar Chavez.

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Pastor’s United Humanitarian Scholarship Program is a Success



LANSING, MI — The 4th Annual Pastor’s United Humanitarian Scholarship was held on October 1, 2006 at Grace Tabernacle Church located at 1819 West Willow.

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Mayor Forgets Who Put Him In Office

As the campaign to unseat our current Mayor of Lansing continues to grow in visibility, it would be prudent for all of the elected and appointed officials in Lansing city government to take notice.

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October is Small Business Month


In order to be a successful small or micro business owner, you have to make sure that you have the right tools in order to succeed.

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Thousands Support “VOTE NO ON PROPOSAL 2” Rally

Governor Jennifer Granholm stops for a picture with one of the march supporters.

LANSING, MI —  On September 16, 2006, thousands of diverse people from all over Michigan marched to the state capital building to support affirmative action in a rally/march organized by One United Michigan, the NAACP and other civil rights organizations.

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