Celebrate the Month of July with Ice Cream
No matter what the occasion — a child’s birthday party, an elegant dinner or a casual family get-together — ice cream is a wonderful treat that adds to the celebration.
News For, By and About People
No matter what the occasion — a child’s birthday party, an elegant dinner or a casual family get-together — ice cream is a wonderful treat that adds to the celebration.
Students from Fairview show off their award from their
philanthropic efforts. Photo courtesy of Hospice of Lansing.
Each year, Mrs. Fuller’s Resource Room students at Forest View Elementary School raise money to donate to a charity. This year, the sale of the beautiful crystals raised $651.55 plus 50 Mexican pesos. The children donated the funds to the school’s neighbor, Hospice of Lansing Residence.
LANSING, MI — This is our second year publishing the “Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful “ edition. There are no repeats from last year and that is because there are so many people in this town or who have lived in this town who are worthy of being in the article. Some who were chosen, have great personalities and others I have heard about recently. Some I have watched to see how they treat people in public and others I have met during the time I have owned this newspaper.
LANSING, MI — One year has past since our last “Most Interesting and Influential” edition. Again, I do understand that people will ask how individuals were chosen and what dictated the order. This year we decided to make it easier and print in the order received. None of the individuals chosen from last year are in this year’s edition. There were other individuals that were asked and either declined or did not get their information to us in a timely manner.
In almost every part of the world, countries are being asked about their energy consumption and how more energy resources can be used to ease the strain on resources available.
Rock star Tommy Lee posted a message on his official Web site explaining his scuffle with Kid Rock during MTVs Video Music Awards, and apologizing to Alicia Keys for the incident taking place during her performance.
Union Missionary Baptist Church celebrates it’s 2007 Women’s Conference, Homeless advocate/author to speak Sat. Sept. 22 at Central United Methodist Church, Michigan school districts approach the 2007-08 school year with caution
“Choose something you enjoy doing. The content I require is in my head. ”
– Myron L. Green’s, who contracted primary progressive Muscular Sclerosis (PPMS) , philosophy on pursuing some passion that stirs your heartstrings. His passion of course is art.