Best, Brightest and Most Beautiful 2005: Nadia Sellers
Nadia Sellers, CEO of National Career Group and President of Detroit Industrial Engineering Services
News For, By and About People
Nadia Sellers, CEO of National Career Group and President of Detroit Industrial Engineering Services
Pete Vargas, Owner/Barista Cafe Cafetzin
Chrystal Price, DJ and Project Manager and Data Analyst at MSU’s Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences
Lindsay W. Huddleston II, Legal Research Analyst,Governor Granholm’s Office of Legal Counsel
Tiya Kunaiyi-Akpanah, Poet, Author and Web Technician Coordinator
Brant A. Johnson, Owner and President of Beri Bee Enterprises and Program Director of 96.5 WQHH
Rina Risper, Coordinator of the NuPoets and President and Publisher, The New Citizens Press
Harold Eugene Core, Jr., Public Information Officer, Michigan Department of Civil Right
Julian Darden, Owner of 621 and Citizens Bank Vice President of Commercial Lending
Jenny Pham, Owner, Venus Personal Image