
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo on May 5th

According to the U.S. Census Bureau  and  quite contrary to what is usually reported, 79% of Mexicans speak Spanish at home. Of this group, about half speak English “very well.” Thirty-seven percent of Mexican-origin residents are under 18, the highest percentage of that age group among Latino groups.    Source: U.S. Census Bureau.  Image U.S. Census Bureau Annual Demographic Supplement to the March 2002 Current Population Survey

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Attorney General Gonzales Should Revisit Ashcroft FOIA Memo

  The nomination and confirmation of Alberto Gonzales as President Bush’s replacement for outgoing Attorney General John Ashcroft proved a lightning rod for criticism of many Bush Administration policies.

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BIGGIE’S MURDER TO REMAIN UNSOLVED: FBI ends investigation citing no basis for prosecution

   The final nail in Biggie’s coffin was hammered down last week as the FBI has decided to close its investigation into the rapper’s 1997 murder. Federal prosecutors reviewed the evidence and concluded there was no basis for prosecution, Louis J. Caprino Jr., acting head of the criminal division of the FBI’s Los Angeles office, said in Friday’s editions of the “Los Angeles Times.”

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Most Interesting and Influential 2005

Compiling a list of the most interesting and influential was one of the most difficult articles that I have written.   Since this is The New Citizens Press’ first time doing it, I wanted to get a couple of things out the way.  First, no one paid.  Second, no one asked.  Third, the order the individuals are in was done by picking out strips in two hats (one for the men and the other for the women.

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