Featured Stories
Governor Granholm Launches New Internship Website MiInternship Benefits Students, Businesses, Educators & State of Michigan
LANSING, MI — Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced the launch of a new website to help students find internships in the State of Michigan. Internships help students find the skills they need to land a full-time job and give businesses a cost-effective way of finding talented workers. The new website, MiInternship, can be found at www.michigan.gov/miintern.
One Mic One Life Breast Cancer Research Fundraiser Set For April 24, 2005 at 621 – Part I of II pt 2
Personal Stories of Young Women’s
Experiences with Breast Cancer
(In our next edition we will have local people speak about how Breast Cancer has affected their lives and loves.)
One Mic One Life Breast Cancer Research Fundraiser Set For April 24, 2005 at 621 – Part I of II
DETROIT, MI — The night before Easter 2005, Cheryl Perkins, 37, and her family colored Easter eggs in their kitchen. Joining the festivities were a neighbor, Leslie, age 8 and a friend, Sydney, age 10.
Cheryl understands the power and love that family and friends have to offer her. Cheryl is a mother to four beautiful girls Haille, age 12, Stefanie age 10, Natalie age 5 and Kennedy age 3.
WE REMEMBER JOHNNIE COCHRAN: Star lawyer dies of a brain disorder
Rina Risper, President and Publisher of The New Citizens Press and Johnnie L. Cochran, Jr. chatted about his illustrious legal career at an Operation Reachback in Association with Black Seventh-day Adventists Professionals event in Detroit in November 2002.
Operation Reachback’s state philosophy is “Climbing Upward – Reaching Back” which means that once they achieve educational, financial and career heights, they remember to turn around and lend a helping hand to those still climbing the ladder.
Hiphop In It’s Truest Form at the Temple Club
LANSING, MI — Hiphop in Lansing. The phrase brings to mind images of violence, drugs and ignorance. This inaccurate view is presented in the media through pieces on violent drug related ignorance at local Hiphop venues. With all the negative press the Kulture of Hiphop has received, it is due time for real Hiphop to shine in the media.
WOMEN IN SCIENCE: Shirley Ann Jackson
A remarkable woman noted for breaking barriers of gender and race in science.
MSU endowed scholarship to support Sexton and Eastern Science students
EAST LANSING, MI – A new endowed scholarship program in Michigan State University’s College of Natural Science will provide $5,000 scholarships to students from Lansing’s J.W. Sexton and Eastern high schools starting in the fall.
Woman claims she wrote tune after daughter became pregnant