Top News
Most Interesting and Influential 2007: Nanette Lee Reynolds, Ed.D.
Nanette Lee Reynolds, Ed.D.
Butterfly House at Michigan State University
Pre-school students, from Ms. Tricia Bransford’s class at Shabazz Academy, have no problem attracting the butterflies on a recent trip to the Butterfly House
Local Sorority Digs Deep to Help Garden Project
Planting Seeds: Katie Olender, Food Systems Project Coordinator, NorthWest Initiative; Health Committee Chairman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Chi Epsilon Omega Chapter, Mrs. Harriette Coleman Gillum, a retired registered nurse; Mark Eitrem, Mid-Michigan Leadership Academy Superintendent and Deana M. Newman, President of the Chi Epsilon Omega Chapter.
TNCP Photo.
Care Free Medical Gives Free Primary Care to Hundreds of Area’s Underinsursed
LANSING, MI — When Conrad Smith of Lansing was laid off from a 20-year dry walling career last December, he never dreamed the next few months would bring a diagnosis of Stage 2 prostate cancer from a team of volunteer doctors and an opportunity to volunteer his skills to give the gift of health to someone else.
WKAR-TV’s Statewide Broadcast Focuses on the Education Funding Crisis
EAST LANSING, MI – WKAR-TV will present a special, hour-long edition of Off the Record examining the crisis in Michigan’s K-12 education funding. Senior capitol correspondent Tim Skubick will anchor the special, airing Monday, May 21, at 7 p.m. on WKAR-TV and on many other public television stations at the following times:
Congresswoman Tubbs Jones Reintroduces Second Chance Act of 2007
Growing concern over averting prisoner reentry calls for improved efforts
Company also pulls sponsorship of Stefani/Akon tour.
After Raid, Honor Student Becomes Overnight Parent
U.S. immigration authorities deported her parents to Mexico. Now Leslie Muñoz takes care of her younger siblings while she balances bill paying, tax season, and mortgages with her honors classes.
News Briefs 6-7
DETAILS FOR DETROIT INTERNATIONAL RIVER DAYS ANNOUNCED, Councilperson Carol Wood Kicked off Council at Large Campaign,