Excuse me, Are you Listening? We will be talking about 2020 for a long time!
Dear Readers,
News For, By and About People
Dear Readers,
By Rina Risper
Dear Readers,
Editor’s Note: This was printed in the last edition, however, I am reprinting it for clarity and content. Everything about this transaction between Ingham County Land Bank and MidMichigan Recovery Services (MMRS) appears shady, underhanded and suspicious and should be investigated thoroughly.
Editor’s Note: This was printed in the last edition, however, I am reprinting it for clarity and content. Everything about this transaction between Ingham County Land Bank and MidMichigan Recovery Services (MMRS) appears shady, underhanded and suspicious and should be investigated thoroughly. People should be very knowledgeable about any and everything that goes on in their community especially those things that have potential for lasting impact.
Dear Readers,
Dear Readers,
Dear Readers,
Rina Risper, President & Publisher of The New Citizens Press
Dear Readers,